Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Perspectives

Up until yesterday, Alex Rodriguez was viewed as a hero. He was going to be baseball's savior in just a matter of years if/when he passes Barry Bonds' homerun record. He would have erased the asterisk on one of the most glorious records in all of sports.

Now, that asterisk may still be there if/when Alex Rodriguez tops the record.

Baseball fans across the globe are not going to forgive him. Nicknames of "A-Roid" and "A-Fraud" have only begun to be heard.

As if the appalling playoff numbers, strip-club appearances, and Madonna links could not have been bad enough already, his positive steroid test makes it even worse.

There are going to be people saying that "the test was in 2003 and he has not failed a test in the past five years." While that may be true, then why are Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmeiro, Barry Bonds, and Roger Clemens being crucified by the media for their steroid allegations.

If you think Yankee fans are going to forgive him because he is currently a Yankee, you are incorrect. He was constantly booed in 2005 and 2006 due to poor performances in clutch situations. He is not what Yankee fans would call a "True Yankee."

This entire ordeal is just disappointing to the entire sport. It's frustrating to not only hear more names linked to performance enhancing substances and anabolic steroids, but a name as prominent as Alex Rodriguez. It's too tough to believe.

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